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Dance of the Hornbills
"A Story from the heart of Africa"

A touching love story, set against war-torn Southern Africa. A couple’s impossible journey through the ages will either end in long-awaited joy or unimaginable tragedy.


Female hornbills nestle on the savannahs of Namibia - a bird that puts more faith in their male partners to always come back than any other animal. It’s how gentle Isabelle loves her one and only Ruben - a poor farm boy turned brutal soldier. When Ruben is made to feel unworthy by Isabelle’s wealthy family, he heartbreakingly walks away to start a hunt that quakes the senses.


Decades collide as the South of the mother continent turns to crimson once more. And Isabelle cannot forget Ruben, even when she marries and has a family of her own. Ruben, too, yearns to see Isabelle again, despite her dangerous, controlling husband.


Lovelorn Ruben makes a solemn vow to reunite - until a dark and unforeseen crime casts a long, destructive shadow. For some the dance continues and for some it is a last fatal misstep. It could be that the male hornbill won’t ever find his way home again.

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About the Author

About the Author

Benn Rhyens was born in 1963 in a small town on the edge of the Namib desert. Nearly forty years he shared in the darkest and brightest of life in Africa, till autumn of 2002 saw him leaving a preordained path and his beloved country. Leading a chosen life, he currently resides on the Gold Coast of Australia.

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